ZSCMST Continues to Make Waves

ZSCMST through the Office of the Vice-President for Research, Innovation, and Extension continues to empower the Local Government Unit of Sibuco, Zamboanga del Norte with the conduct of mentoring sessions on data processing and presentation. Participants from LGU-Sibuco were mentored by the focal area leaders which composed the ZSCMST Team (socioeconomics: Dr. Rufa L. Mendez, fish visual census: Raymond Antonio M. Lim, plankton: Rolando E. Pelinggon, water quality: Engr. Victoria Lim and Engr. Ray J. Arcillas, invertebrates: Annie Gonzales, corals: Kent Anthony Enocita, bathymetry: Dervin Lasagas, aquaculture: Arthur Panganiban, Jr. and Dr. Maila V. Pan, documentation and support: Marlon R. Omatang and Gulam Lariño). During the one-day training session on January 22-23, 2024 at the ZSCMST Octagon Hall, participants were assisted in the analyses of the Participatory Coastal Resource Assessment (PCRA) data obtained through the project last July to December 2023.

After the analyses workshop, trainees presented their data along with the implications associated. The event spearheaded by the Training and Extension Office (TEO) was the second part of the Phase 1 (issue identification) geared at the development of a coastal management plan for Sibuco. ProgreSibuco is a research-based extension program being implemented in collaboration with the LGU – Sibuco Municipal Administrator’s Office.

📷Marlon Omatang; Dervin Lasagas

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